Fyxation Open Omnium: Downtown Chicago - July 24, 2016

The 4th and final stop in the 2016 Fyxation Open Omnium brings us back to the heart of downtown Chicago for the 3rd year in a row. With the race held in the heart of the city and just outside the Goose Island Brewery and Intelligentsia Coffee roasting facility, this venue is the ideal location for an urban fixed gear crit. Expect the riders to bring their A game in their quest to be crowned the first Fyxation Open Omnium Champion.

Every year we come back to Chicago the level of riders continues to improve. We expect this year to be the fastest and biggest race yet.

Here are the full event details:

Intelligentsia Cup Website: http://www.intelligentsiacup.com/schedule/chicago.php

USA Cycling Registration: https://www.usacycling.org/register/2016-64

Fyxation Open Websitehttp://www.fyxationopen.com/race-events/



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