Urban Velo Issue #44 is Out!
The latest issue of Urban Velo just came out and as always we have an ad running in the pages of this fine magazine. For the latest issue we put in a teaser add about our new Six Fyx conversion kit that will be on the market in early December. The whole point of the 6 Fyx isn't to "fix" anything. It's simply a way to turn your beloved track frame into a simple 6 speed city bike. Whether your knees are hurting you from riding fixed for too long or you're tired of getting out the saddle to make it up the hills in town, the Six Fyx conversion kit lets you easily add 6 gears to your existing frame.
Rather than going out and buying an entirely new geared bike, this quick kit let's you add our proprietary 120mm spaced hub that includes a 6 speed cassette. Available as a kit with the hub/parts or the complete wheel/parts, the Six Fyx is a great way to for you to keep that old trusty track frame running for years to come.
More Six Fyx info here: http://www.fyxation.com/products/six-fyx-conversion-kit
Urban Velo Issue 44: http://www.urbanvelo.org/issue44/p16-17.html
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