House Party Cat 9

House Party Cat 9

Over the weekend we participated in the Midwest's finest party alley cat, House Party Cat #9. Most alley cats have check points that you must perform a task at, drop a package, or just stop in. This one’s a bit different and revolves riding your bike around while drinking copious amounts of alcohol with an infamous keg stand stop being a major part of the night.

In it's 9th year, House Party Cat is the creation of Minneapolis based bike messenger, Jeff Oneill. Jeff is a long time friend of Fyxation and we've been a prize sponsor for the House Party Cat for at least 7 years. This year when we heard that Party Cat was coming to Milwaukee we wanted to really help out and we offered to make our shop and HQ one of the checkpoints for the event.

That's Jeff In the Upper Left

The Fyxation stop was pretty straight forward compared to the booze related alley cat stops during the race. Just post up with your crew and/or bike, snap a photo and ride off into the night never to be seen again. Well, until later at the after party. Here are a few of the photos we took.

Throughout the course of the night participants rolled through telling stories of their evening, life, or just looking for more beer. At 10 o'clock we closed the doors and headed down to “The Fortress” for the official after party.

The Fortress is an experience in itself.  It's an old warehouse building converted into studios and apartments, not fancy condos just a regular old, HUGE, apartment. It is conveniently located on the top floor of a building that has no regular elevator, just a freight elevator that we couldn’t figure out and probably shouldn’t have been messing with anyway. Lakefront Brewery had generously donated some beer and there were plenty of sponsored prizes for the winners. Everybody seemed to have a great time and the riders were super stoked on the men’s and women’s first place prize, a brand new Fyxation Quiver frame set.

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